

When I was talking to my parents, they asked me why I didn’t have a page on my website about my journey, where I come from, what led me to end up where I’m at right now. Initially I felt that this would not be appropriate for my professional portfolio. But then I realized that it is important to share my story as it is what makes me, well me.

I was born in a small town called Gondal in the state of Gujarat, India on September 4th, 1997 to my loving parents Vishakha and Bhavesh Chovatiya. I spent my childhood growing up in Rajkot at my parents’ home with my beloved sister Stuti and my grandparents. My primary schooling began in 2003 at the Rajkumar College (popularity known as RKC) where I studied until 7th grade. This was a place that challenged me immensely and consequently, instilled a lot of inner confidence in me. I knew I wanted to try something new, as my dad would say: “Always do something different” - a mantra I heard repeatedly while growing up. In 8th grade, I got accepted to a boarding school in South India called Chinmaya International Residential School (CIRS) - 2000 kms from home, with no friends and or family, it was intimidating at first but RKC had prepared me well for it.

Surrounded by lush green hills on all sides, far away from the bustle of the closest city, CIRS was a serene and an enchanting place. I met with students from around the world from different cultures, backgrounds and traditions, some of whom became my closest friends. The curriculum was focussed holistic education - a place where learning the traditions of Indian culture, spirituality and inner exploration was deeply intertwined with the day-to-day. If RKC had prepared me for the rugged world around me, CIRS prepared me thoroughly for the world within me.

Airplanes and space always fascinated me and I knew I wanted to pursue a degree related to that. So I applied to Purdue University, USA for my undergraduate in Aerospace Engineering from which I graduated in 2019. I knew I wanted to deepen my knowledge so I went on to get my masters in the same field at the University of Michigan and graduated in December 2020 - making some incredible friends and memories along the way. Coming to the USA was a phenomenal learning experience - interacting with people from various countries and cultures profoundly impacted me.  Finally, I found a job as an aerospace engineer in Boulder, Colorado and have been here ever since!

As I reflect upon my journey, I’m extremely grateful for the privilege I’ve been blessed with and the people that have constantly surrounded me with words of encouragement and wisdom. I’m grateful to my parents, who never questioned my aspirations, always smiling and offering their complete support; my family for always encouraging me and pushing me to go farther and my friends for always being there.
